Created by young filmmaker Elizabeth McGlynn, War on Lies: The Alice Wheeldon Campaign premiered at the Derby Museum and Art Gallery on 27 January 2024, 108 years after Alice’s birth.
Derby walk - in the footsteps of Alice Wheeldon
Derby Museums feature Alice Wheeldon in new exhibition
Alice's story told through song
Derby folk trio Moirai have created a moving musical drama based on Alice Wheeldon’s story, available on CD.
New Derby walking guide released
'Alice Wheeldon Room' dedicated by Derby City Council
Alice Wheeldon receives a STAR in Derby
Keith Venables tells the story of Alice Wheeldon
The poison dart
Sydney Morning Herald, April 20, 2013 : It was a bizarre plot to murder the British PM - or was it? Two sisters tell Suzy Freeman-Greene why they want justice for their framed forebears.
In 1986, as he was dying of brain cancer, Sydney physicist Peter Mason sat his daughters down to watch a video. It was a dramatised documentary, set in the dark days of World War I, called The Plot to Murder Lloyd George.